We have fed, and provided essential daily supplies to
25,000+ people experiencing homelessness and counting.

Help Families Like Cheryl’s

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Help can’t wait. Families need help now.

The causes of homelessness are simple: lack of affordable housing, job loss, medical debt, and often no support from family and friends who, too, are struggling to make ends meet.

Right now, the needs of our neighbors are critical. Can you help? Please consider a donation to help those in need.

Whenever possible, the goal is to prevent homelessness and spare families the trauma of homelessness. Sadly, nearly 25% of people experiencing homelessness in Greater Cincinnati are children, under age 18.

Homelessness prevention programs are the most cost-effective intervention with the best outcomes.

Positive outcomes for families. Like Cheryl’s.

After a break-up, she and her daughter were left without stable housing, making her daughter’s complex medical condition worsen.

Cheryl called the Central Access Point Helpline, entered the Shelter Diversion program, and was placed in an apartment within days.

She continued her success by working to obtain childcare benefits, find employment — even finding a childcare provider with experience with medically complex needs.

Unfortunately, in most cases government funding can’t be used for prevention programs. Local funding sources do help. But it’s limited and there are restrictions on how it can be spent — and who gets help.

More people than ever are experiencing homelessness for the first time, or are about to be: single moms, retirees, Veterans.

If you are in a position to help provide financial support, it would be an honor to partner with you in the fight to end homelessness.

Cheryl always maintained a positive attitude, focused on her future. A bright future thanks to the Shelter Diversion program.

Please consider a generous gift today to help real people like Cheryl.



The post Help Families Like Cheryl’s appeared first on Strategies to End Homelessness.

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