We have fed, and provided essential daily supplies to
25,000+ people experiencing homelessness and counting.

Homelessness Related News

Boardroom Focus: Communications Compliance

Friday, July 19, 2024

Cisco Webex in collaboration with a partner provides a compliance and security solution tailored for digital communications within the Webex Suite, serving major organizations like top North American banks.

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Making a lasting impact, now

Friday, July 19, 2024

“Of all the applicants, they had the widest net of people at risk of homelessness. This is very exciting.” In 2023, Cincinnati City Council set aside just over $2 million in funding to be put toward one project that Councilmembers thought had the greatest potential to reduce evictions and housing loss…

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5G or not to 5G….that is the manufacturing question!

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

The manufacturing industry is experiencing seismic shifts, from the departure of skilled workers creating a talent gap to rising interest rates prompting constant budget re-evaluations. These factors, coupled with constant pressure to drive outcomes demands that we are business first, and technology second.

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Contact us if you need help locating your missing family member or friend. Please tell us what you need, and we will contact you as soon as possible.