Thursday, January 30, 2025
In the last 36 hours, the Alliance has been in touch with dozens of Continuum of Care leaders, recipients of federal Homelessness Assistance Grants, and HUD technical assistance providers about the OMB memo (M-25-13). This memo directed federal agencies to temporarily “pause” all activities related to obligation or disbursement of all federal financial assistance.
We want to take a moment to acknowledge how difficult this week has been. We are deeply grateful for the work that you do and the commitment that you have to the people you serve. THANK YOU!
In addition, more than 10,000 of you sent emails and called your Members of Congress to push back against this directive by the Trump Administration. Never in the Alliance’s history have we seen so many of you stand up and advocate for your needs. And it made a difference.
The lack of clear guidance and direction from this Administration led to a great deal of confusion. This was only compounded by the fact that financial accounting systems (including e-LOCCS) were down. This prevented grantees from being able to access reimbursable funds to cover expenses for payroll, rent, and more. And HUD technical assistance was stopped altogether, with no indication for when it might begin again.
Current Status
Earlier today, OMB released a new memo that rescinded OMB Memorandum M-25-13. This means that it is no longer in effect and federal action to implement that directive has been stopped. The Alliance is aware of other statements that have been made by the White House that indicate otherwise; however, new instruction and guidance from OMB would be needed for federal action to restart.
While this reprieve is certainly good news for the moment, we must remain vigilant and focused. There are already several Executive Orders issued that threaten real harm to people experiencing homelessness and our efforts to bring everyone home. Please continue to apply pressure to Members of Congress. We need them to support the programs and people who serve those experiencing homelessness across the nation. We don’t need political tricks that make your lives and jobs harder.
Next Steps and Additional Updates
Recognizing that real threats remain, the Alliance urges CoCs and recipients of CoC, Emergency Solutions Grants, and other federal grant funding to continue moving forward with the recommendations for immediate next steps the Alliance put out earlier this week. This includes conducting a needs assessment, as well as contingency planning with funders and state and local governments in the event that short-term funding gaps emerge.
Additional updates from today:
Status of Federal Accounting Systems
Coinciding with OMB’s rescission of the memo from earlier in the week, eLOCCS and other accounting systems used by federal grantees to draw down grant funds are now accessible. It is our understanding that agencies are proceeding with disbursements. Grantees should make additional efforts to prepare documentation so that funds can be drawn down as frequently as is permissible.
HUD Technical Assistance Has Resumed
As of 2:30 PM EST today, the stop-work order on entities delivering technical assistance under HUD’s Community Compass and National Homeless Data Analysis Project Grants (NHDAP) has been lifted. This does not include technical assistance halted as a result of last week’s Executive Order, “Ending Radical and Wasteful Government DEI Programs and Preferencing.”
Survey of Potential Impact
In preparation for future actions by the Administration that could result in a disruption to federal grant funding, the Alliance has developed this survey to gather insights from CoCs, homeless services providers, landlords, and other impacted entities. We intend to share these insights in our advocacy to Congress and the Administration when and if they are needed. Please submit any responses by this Friday (1/31) by 5:00pm PST/8:00pm EST.
Continue to Take Action
The level of advocacy across our network the past 36 hours is phenomenal and inspiring. PLEASE DO NOT STOP NOW. Advocacy is a long game of small wins. We must keep up this momentum to push back on all the things yet to come.
Keep those e-mails and phone calls to your Members of Congress going—make them know you by name! You have unique credibility in your communities. We need you to continue educating your Members of Congress on homelessness in their district and state, the impacts of even a short-term disruption funding or decreases in funding, and the impacts of the Administration’s Executive Orders on the people you serve (also their constituents).
If you used our online form yesterday, please consider a custom letter or a phone call today. These personalized messages are extremely effective. The important thing is that we keep the pressure on Congress and refuse to allow the sense of urgency to fade away.
The Capitol switchboard phone number is (202) 224-3121. A switchboard operator will connect you directly with the House or Senate office you request.
Urge others within the CoC and within your community to get involved too. They can start by signing up for the Alliance’s Action Alerts.
Ramp up your advocacy knowledge and stay ready!
The Alliance is deeply grateful for all that you do in your communities, and we are committed to supporting you with timely information, guidance, and resources to advocate for your communities’ needs. On behalf of the entire staff and board of the Alliance, we thank you for your steadfast efforts to end homelessness.
The post An Update on this Week’s Federal Grant and Loan Pause appeared first on National Alliance to End Homelessness.